What App Tab?
The App tab is totally for your application’s monitoring. As such, it only appears once your Sketch has at least one published heading or variable. If you are not familiar with InqPortal‘s published variables, you might need to check out how to create them by either one of the tutorials: (Quickest, Quick, Verbose) or by the Reference page for the Sketch methods used to create them.
Once you’ve added some published variables, the tab will show up and your headings and variables will show up in tabular form, giving the user friendly label, web ID and the fluctuating value as changed by your InqPortal server. This tab acts as a debugger Watch Variable list while doing your server-side development.

Client Side Jump Start
Not being a web client developer, I always have trouble getting even the most rudimentary web page created. The syntax and just getting the basic boiler-plate is a challenge… or a treasure hunt to find an old example that fits the project. InqPortal can help you with that. With a few clicks in the Admin, and InqPortal creates a simplistic client HTML page. see this for more details.