I will never be confused with a writer. I’m a retired engineer and software developer. I like pictures, graphs, charts, bullets and sparse verbiage. There are many great articles and YouTube videos on the Internet on every subject… including the ones you’ll find on this site. I’ll try to reference the ones I liked more than others if you find my writing a bit too thin. If you learn better by hearing and seeing the mouse move, there are far better resources available.
Over the years I’ve found most of time, I don’t want a story. I don’t want flowery prose and I certainly don’t want to see some video in the extremes. It may be the droning monotone that puts me to sleep. It may be a heckler that thinks excitement and hand-waving gets the point across better. Or, I have to concentrate too hard and rewind the video too many times to understand the word spoken. It might simply be a foreign (to me) accent.
My articles are really meant to be just simple check-off lists to get the job done so I can get on with the job I really want to do. Its very likely, I’ll use them to install some functionality again and again in the future. They are not meant to convince you to use a feature or even to do it my way. I assume you already know what you want to do and a Google search lead you to one of my articles because of some key word. They do require some level of pre-knowledge. I’m assuming you know how to drive around in Windows and Windows programs. In some cases, I assume you already know how to develop software for microcontrollers and you really just want that little tidbit to add another tool to your bag of tricks.